Monday 21 August 2017

How becoming a minimalist helped my anxiety

I am self confessed hoarder of all things. I collect things, I am sentimental, I love books and I a good deal.I found out about minimalism online from some other bloggers who said they felt more calm once they de-cluttered and switched and so I thought why not give it a go.

Minimalism is basically living as simply as possible and with less. The amount of things we own today is baffling and really we do not need half of them. We live in a consumer world and the constant need to keep up with the next door neighbour or latest trend can not only be expensive but also result in clutter in our lives.

I would describe my journey with miminalism over the past year as a slow but steady one. I have managed to probably cut what I own in half at least. It was amazing when this resulted in one whole drawer of items that were reduced. This spurred me on to reduce another shelf and even though last week I told myself I had no clothes to throw out I found myself with another black bag for charity.

How I started was with a capsule wardrobe each 12 weeks. Basically, this means tailoring your wardrobe to around 30 essential items from jeans to jumpers and t-shirts. Doing this made me look at my wardrobe, what I needed, what I loved what I did not wear anymore. Generally, if I do not wear something within the 12 weeks it has to go. This meant reducing my wardrobe massively. The pro of this is pretty much everything in a capsule wardrobe goes with each other so there is always an outfit in the wardrobe and it makes it so much easier to decide what to wear.

Then I started to adapt this to other things I owned. I went down through everything make up to stationary. If I do not love it, use it or like it then it had to go.

It makes everything in your life so much simpler and who does not want to come home to a calmer and easier to clean house. Not to mention it saves you money too. Give it a go and see if it helps. I learned about it from Sugar Mamma see video below.

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