Sunday 22 April 2018

Positive thinking Challenge 30 days

  1. Note on a scale of one to ten how positive you are daily. 
  2. Write down the main negative thought occupying your mind and come up with solutions. 
  3. Start today with 3 positive affirmations e.g I love an approve of myself, I am strong and powerful, I can do it. Put them on a post it note and on a mirror say them to yourself every morning. 
  4. Spend time with a positive friend - someone who makes you laugh or even just someone who always makes you feel better. 
  5. Keep a gratitude journal for the next 30 days and write 3 things every day for which you are grateful for. 
  6. Try to spend one day without complaining about anything. 
  7. Write down your dream life and take steps to make it happen.
  8. One of my favourite films is Pay it Forward. Pay it forward to 3 people. 
  9. Give 3 people a genuine compliment. 
  10. Plan a silly day/evening with someone you love where you just go someplace and have fun, laugh etc.
  11. Hobby - do something that brings you joy write, run, photography, read, music, draw, bake, paint etc. 
  12. Do a mindfulness meditation and just be present. 
  13. Listen to a song that makes you happy. Optional - dance :) 
  14. Get out in a nature, go for a walk, tend to the garden, pick flowers, chestnuts, berries, nuts etc Depending on the season. Appreciate your environment. 
  15. Print out a positive quote you love and put it someplace you can see it daily. 
  16. Print out a photo that makes you smile of your loved ones and put it someplace to make you smile. 
  17. Do something kind for someone else, cup of tea, chat, bake for them, look after someone who is sick. 
  18. Before you fall asleep think of one good thing you did today that you are proud of. 
  19. Tell a friend/loved one what you love and appreciate most about them. 
  20. Visualize a situation causing you problems and then see yourself succeeding and winning. 
  21. Watch your favourite funny film or TV series. 
  22. Note what or who made you smile today and note who you made smile also. 
  23. Have a you day/hour - go have a nice lunch or get your nails done, have some downtime. 
  24. Note what people in your life make you feel negative and try to reduce your interactions with them, If they are family try and see if you make them think more positively. Maybe they have something going on their life that is stressing them out. 
  25. Try to not to judge anyone or anything even yourself for one day. 
  26. Think of 3 things to celebrate about your life today if you can think of more add them to the list. 
  27. What are you most proud of achieving. Think back on your past successes and how it made you feel when you succeeded. Know you can do anything you set your mind to do. 
  28. Focus on the words you use are they positive or negative ? 
  29. Note on a scale of one to ten how positive you are- has it gone up or down through doing this challenge? 
  30. Treat yourself - you did it? Note what you learned from the experience. 

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Positive thinking Challenge 30 days

Note on a scale of one to ten how positive you are daily.  Write down the main negative thought occupying your mind and come up with so...