Rainy day resources

When you are having a bad day what do you do to make you calmer?

Here are a few of my favourites and feel free to add your own

  1. Take time out to chill out, bath, watch something funny, read. 
  2. Exercise 
  3. Write it out 
  4. Yoga
  5. I meditate and this is one of my favs Calm
  6. CBT Diary I love this one https://www.excelatlife.com/cbt.htm
  7. Get out in nature for a walk or photograph.
  8. Listen to relaxing music. My tune at the moment is this. 
  9. Be mindful it could be a mindful walk, eating or even just a cup of tea. 
  10. Talk it out sometimes my anxiety gets bad because I bottle something up so its good to get another perspective and get it out. 
Whats your tips for a rainy day? 
Would love to hear. 

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