Saturday 4 February 2017

How Good are you about talking about your mental Health?

I think the Loose women raise some important points. It can be hard to talk about it and I resonate with Stacey's comments that sometimes you might not know what it is but you know something is wrong.

I did not know I had anxiety. My family and friends told me.
I knew I felt stressed out and overwhelmed.
I didn't ask for help. I screamed for it and it fell on deaf ears in some parts of my life.
I would say to people 150% do talk to people BUT :

  • Don't just talk to anyone about it. Talk to someone you trust and someone you know will have your best interests at heart.  Not someone who will judge. Someone I know had depression and anxiety and he didn't know I had it. I could have talked to him but I made the assumption that if I did he would think I was weak, mad etc. But in retrospect it was silly we were both struggling and if we knew we could have helped each other. 
  • If you think something is off but you are not sure talk to your doctor. 
  • If you decide to go see a counsellor do your homework. I went to a counsellor for a year and paid 70 euros a session. I was told I was just seeking attention, he told me he did CBT . I brought a book on CBT and did Awares course online and we never touched on any of those things covered in the book or Awares course in the sessions. I had a panic attack in one of those sessions and my anxiety got worse. I was so restless I could not sit down for the duration of the sessions. I had to switch counsellors and I have not had a panic attack since I started with my present counsellor. Ask for recommendations from your doctor for someone in the locality. If you see someone and its not clicking don't be afraid to say so and go elsewhere. Sometimes its a case of finding someone that fits with you. 

You can contact me at Group is on facebook at Join the discussion lets all help each other out.

All opinions expressed are my own.I am not a qualified doctor or therapist and therefore

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