Sunday 22 January 2017

Anxiety what is it? I think I might have it or know someone who does

 I didn't know what anxiety was before I had it. I just knew I felt so uneasy, so afraid but I couldn't put a finger on why. My muscles would tense up. When it got bad,I felt like someone had their hands around my throat, like there was a weight on my chest, like I could not get enough air, I couldn't breathe, the room was spinning, sweaty, pins and needles. I was going to faint or die or my heart would beat so fast I would think I was going to have heart failure. I would feel so sick with worry sometimes I would struggle to eat. My mouth would go dry and I would find it hard to swallow.

There was no peace, there was no calm. That part of me just disappeared.

I was fidgety. I became withdrawn because I was afraid of everything.

This isn't a comprehensive list it impacts other people in different ways. This is just how it impacted me.

I saw someplace someone saying they hid the knives because they had anxiety and were afraid they would use them. That made me scratch my head alot. Its the last thing that comes to my mind when my anxiety is bad. I hide if its bad.  I don't want people to see me or for my friends and family to worry. Its never a case where I'm going to hurt anyone or anything. If anything I find children and animals are the most amazing and calming cures. Just because they have such good nature and love. If a baby is screaming at me sure I might have a minute where I'm in a panic looking for a bottle but so does everyone. For me my instinct to protect and love is so much stronger then my anxiety when it comes down to it. It annoyed me to see someone misrepresent it in that way.

Anxiety is a natural feeling. Its fight or flight we get it before exams, interviews, dates etc. Its normal to have a certain amount of anxiety leading up to these kind of events or maybe even a break up etc. Its not normal if its constant for weeks on end with no apparent cause. Where it impacts your sleep. Where your uneasy, fidgety and excessive. Sometimes it can be due to a stressful situation such as death or loss of a loved one. It might be just a period of time for which you need some more support.

If you think you have it or someone you know has it I'm going to encourage the following steps:

  1. Have a chat with them. Just simple over a cup of tea/coffee. Just ask how they are. Listen and ask if there is anything you can do to help maybe just say you have noticed they have not been themselves. Just let them know you care. 
  2. If its you go to your GP- you may be offered medication. I am pretty anti medication and I opted not to take it initially but it got to a stage where I needed it. It worked and I'm glad I have it so don't rule it out but do go with something that suits you. 
  3. Find a good counsellor someone who does Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. I'm going to post about Cognitive Behavioural Therapy because one mistake I made was trusting a counsellor who said they did CBT but never did it.Do some research about it. Go with your gut on counsellors if you like them and feel comfortable and like you can talk then they are for you. If not and your not seeing a benefit after about 8 weekly sessions leave and find another. They are not for you. 
  4. Talk to someone a friend, family member and let them know. 
  5. Self care- I will blog about this as well but I manage my anxiety through everything from sleep to diet and so make sure you look after yourself. 
I hope this helps. 

For more information:
Anxiety Fact Sheet 

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