Saturday 21 January 2017

Posts coming soon

  1. CBT what is all the fuss about?
  2. Mindfullness
  3. Exercise 
  4. Diet 
  5. Positive psychology.
  6. Green ribbon 
  7. Best books for support
  8. Best websites

I plan to post once a week on this blog. My main blog is 

I would really like to know if there is anything you would like to see. Also if you are aware of any resources in Ireland from a counsellor to a course or something which helped you with your anxiety please feel to recommend. I will set up a page for same. 

You can contact me at 
Would love to hear from you so don't be afraid to make contact. 

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Positive thinking Challenge 30 days

Note on a scale of one to ten how positive you are daily.  Write down the main negative thought occupying your mind and come up with so...