Sunday 15 January 2017

Hello all what is anxiety ireland? List of first ports of call if you think you have it.

Hello all,

This is a little blog that is going to be covering anxiety. Ways to deal with it. Resources online and hopefully it will be a forum for discussion and a positive community. I have anxiety. If you have anxiety then I know and I understand its a pain in the neck.

It can be hard for people to understand so please submit your tips, your stories, anything you want even if you don't want to put your name to it but it will benefit people. Its welcome.

First off I'm going to say I am not a doctor. This is not to provide medical advise and please do not use in place of medical advise. If you need help my main points of call are:

1) Doctor
2)Counsellor- look for someone who does Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. Research this.
3) Family and friends.


Support Groups


Other Useful Resources:
Anxiety UK 
Lust for Life. 

This is my first post but I will be posting more.

I really hope that this is a positive resource where people with anxiety can find tips, support and come to be inspired. It might also help your loved ones who do not have anxiety understand what it is and maybe break down the walls of stigma around it. Just because this fear can cripple us does not mean we are not capable of wonderful things. You are.

Lets do this 😼
Wishing you the best.

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